Self Love

How much self-compassion have you been expressing?

All too often we get caught up in seeing how we are not measuring up to expectations - of how much we should exercise, how productive we should be, where we should be by now - and we get pretty harsh with ourselves.

'Tough love' can actually be counter productive.  Why?  Because all those 'shoulds' can cause us to stay stuck in unhelpful behaviours. What would happen if you treated yourself the way a kind & helpful friend might? A good friend listens, acknowledges that the struggle is real AND helps us to take that next step - may even take it with us. Getting (re-) acquainted with your passions is key too.  

Take some time to show a little love to yourself.  Nurture your passions a little this month.  Our days remain challenging and yet we can find a little moment of joy and kindness in each day.


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